Call: 6274 1883

HOPES Inc welcomes donations and membership to our not-for-profit
organisation; both of which assist our current project to become self-sufficient, and help with the establishment of other sites.
We are proud to launch our online donations portal - processed through PayPal - making donating to HOPES Inc easier and secure.
You can also donate to HOPES Inc by phoning 03 6274 1883 to make other arrangements.
Please note that HOPES Inc is a not-for-profit organisation and donations over $2.00 are tax deductable.
Or you might like to leave a gift in your will. Your gift may be, for example:
- a specific amount of money;
- a nominated item;
- the residue of the estate.
If you would like to support HOPES this way please speak to your solicitor, or contact us for further information.
HOPES Inc welcomes members from all walks of life – with both individual or organisational membership.
you would like to join us, please complete the membership form and
return it to our postal address as listed below. Your application will
be tabled at the next committee meeting and a receipt and welcome kit
forwarded as soon as your application has been accepted.
Please contact us at admin@hopes.org.au or by phone on (03) 6274 1883 if you would like more information before applying for membership.
HOPES Inc welcomes volunteers with relevant skills to assist with resident programs, or help with the development of a second site. Write, email, or phone us for further details.
Contact us